I never knew, or fully appreciated the hard work, long hours, and dedication my favorite authors have gone through to hone their craft, perfect their work, and get it ready for publication.
What a learning experience, from submission formats, query letters, the dreaded synopsis, editing, re-editing, proof reading the final galley, getting the cover artwork, and that's just for starters.
Then there's the marketing. The more I learn about that, the less I seem to know. And, it changes all the time. New platforms, new phrases, new media to draw attention. The list never seems to stop.
In the end, it's all been worth it just to see my name on a novel that started with one "what if?" question. I hope you'll take a chance on a new author and her debut novel.
Even though the world's a mess and everyone's stressed, I hope my characters can provide an escape for an hour or two, or more.